bounded - definitie. Wat is bounded
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Wat (wie) is bounded - definitie

Bounded; Unbounded; Boundedness (disambiguation); Unboundedness

<theory> In domain theory, a subset S of a cpo X is bounded if there exists x in X such that for all s in S, s <= x. In other words, there is some element above all of S. If every bounded subset of X has a least upper bound then X is boundedly complete. ("<=" is written in LaTeX as subseteq). (1995-02-03)
·Impf & ·p.p. of Bound.
Bounded quantification         
Bounded polymorphism; Bounded genericity; Bounded generics; Bounded generic; F-bounded quantification; Recursively bounded quantification; Recursively bounded polymorphism; F-bounded polymorphism; F-bounded genericity; Recursively bounded genericity; F-bounded; F-bound; Constrained genericity; Constraint genericity; Constrained polymorphism; Constraint polymorphism; Constrained quantification; Constraint quantification
In type theory, bounded quantification (also bounded polymorphism or constrained genericity) refers to universal or existential quantifiers which are restricted ("bounded") to range only over the subtypes of a particular type. Bounded quantification is an interaction of parametric polymorphism with subtyping.



Boundedness or bounded may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor bounded
1. bounded by?
A Quick Look at Fast Gaming _ Omnigamer _ Talks at Google]
2. is a bounded experience.
Life in Code - A Personal History of Technology _ Ellen Ullman _ Talks at Google
3. bounded ethicality for ourselves,
The Person You Mean to Be - How Good People Fight Bias _ Dolly Chugh _ Talks at Google
4. culturally bounded and it wasn't bounded by personality
Kick the Bad Work Habits that Masquerade as Virtues _ Jake Breeden _ Talks at Google
5. bounded by moneyed interests.
McChesney _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor bounded
1. The dog bounded away, zigzagging over the terrain.
2. Mr Cameron, his hair slightly and agreeably tousled, bounded in.
3. It is bounded by Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey.
4. The Marines bounded out the door with an idea of where the gunmen fled.
5. Kids, giggling and jostling, bounded past the end of the fence line.